Graffiti Bus
Turn a massive bus into a graffiti spectacle
Turn a massive bus into a graffiti spectacle
If your team needs an outlet through which to rewire their creative juices, bond and build better relationships – we’ll give them the coolest blank canvas you can think of: a massive bus to be turned into a graffiti spectacle.
Participants are split into teams, clothed head-to-toe in protective gear, and asked to come up with one awesome concept as a team. A team leader will collect all the ideas & sketch out the concept, which s/he will then have to communicate & get the team to deliver. We provide all the tools necessary to allow your team to get as creative and free as they wish. The end result is some pretty amazing work which they will post and talk about for days!
The take-aways? Aside from the buzz of painting a bus (and accidently painting a colleague too), creative practice is known to reduce stress and help develop better problem-solving skills.
Browse through the photos, check out this fun clip, and give us a shout if you like what you see!