Remote Working: Why You Should Go The Distance

Remote Working: Why You Should Go The Distance

It feels as though decades have passed since 2019. Over the past two years, professional and personal lives collided as the pandemic turned the world of work on its head. The reality is that, although we can expect life to return to normalcy at some point in the future, work life as we know it now might be changed for good.

As workplaces become more flexible and opportunities to work from home continue to increase, people feel that they are being given more control of their time and can better manage their work and schedules. But don’t just take our word for it. An Ipsos survey carried out in partnership with the World Economic Forum among 12,500 employed adults showed that 65% of respondents felt more productive with a flexible work schedule, particularly in the case of parents of children under 18 years. Similarly, a survey carried out by Deloitte among 2,000 adults found that more than 70% of respondents felt just as, if not more, efficient when working from home as they are at the office.

The biggest takeaways for employers? Employees are starting to value more flexible working arrangements which allow them to strike a better work-life balance, and companies who are stuck in their old ways stand to lose talent. So how can you ease your company’s shift to virtual and stay on top?

Keep Employees Engaged by Organising Virtual Classes and Workshops

Among the managers participating in an OECD survey regarding work from home, the majority were concerned that telework could prevent employees from working as a team, especially in the case of teams whose members are scattered across the globe. That’s where we come in. Here at JUGS, we believe that the secret ingredient to having a satisfied and engaged remote team is a fun teambuilding event schedule. From taking on cooking challenges to solving murder mysteries and breaking out of an escape room, our virtual teambuilding events have helped countless teams bond from a distance, improving their communication skills and fostering relationships along the way. Need more ideas on how to keep your remote team engaged? Check out TeamBonding’s top tips here.

Revive Office Socialising with Virtual After-Work Events

When your home also becomes your office, the fine line separating your personal life from your professional one can easily be crossed. In fact, the OECD survey mentioned above also found that more than 80% of respondents were worried that working from home might prevent them from truly shutting off from work, putting them at risk of experiencing burnout. It has probably been a while since you organised your last happy hour or staff party, and you might not feel comfortable getting together in person just yet, but distance is no match for JUGS. Get your team together (virtually, of course), stock them up with some tasty treats and tipples, and let’s get quiz-ical!

Expand your Network through Virtual Conferences

Once geographical borders are eliminated, the possibilities for networking are practically limitless. Live webinars, virtual panel discussions and Q&A sessions as well as hybrid conferences are now enabling companies to reach out and connect with professionals from around the world. If the time has come for your company to hop on the virtual bandwagon too, JUGS has got you covered. Equipped with vast experience in managing conferences and corporate events, both remotely and in person, the JUGS team will create a seamless experience for the speakers, the audience and your company, by tailoring the event to your specific needs. 

Although the learning curve is steep, remember that you’re not going through this alone and that this challenge is actually an opportunity. Give us a shout if you’re ready to make the most of going remote.



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